Federated learning has been predominantly concerned with collaborative training of deep networks from scratch, and especially the many challenges that arise, such as communication cost, robustness to heterogeneous data, and support for diverse device capabilities. However, there is no unified framework that addresses all these problems together. This paper studies the challenges and opportunities of exploiting pre-trained Transformer models in FL. In particular, we propose to efficiently adapt such pre-trained models by injecting a novel attention-based adapter module at each transformer block that both modulates the forward pass and makes an early prediction. Training only the lightweight adapter by FL leads to fast and communication-efficient learning even in the presence of heterogeneous data and devices. Extensive experiments on standard FL benchmarks, including CIFAR-100, FEMNIST and SpeechCommandsv2 demonstrate that this simple framework provides fast and accurate FL while supporting heterogenous device capabilities, efficient personalization, and scalable-cost anytime inference.
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我们研究了高度实用但相对研究的潜在域适应性问题,其中应将源模型适应包含未标记域的混合域和域 - IRRERRELERRELERRELERVANS的目标数据集。此外,受数据隐私要求以及对适应本地数据分布的嵌入式和资源约束设备的需求的激励,我们专注于设置无馈源源域的适应到源数据集,也可以返回传播。我们的解决方案是元学习网络,能够嵌入混合相关目标数据集,并使用交叉注意力动态适应目标示例。最终的框架可导致强大的ERM基线的一致改进。我们还表明,我们的框架有时甚至在域监督适应的上限上有所改善,在这种适应中,仅提供与域相关的实例进行适应。这表明人类注释的域标签可能并不总是最佳的,并提高了通过自动实例选择做得更好的可能性。
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可以将监督学习视为将相关信息从输入数据中提取到特征表示形式。当监督嘈杂时,此过程变得困难,因为蒸馏信息可能无关紧要。实际上,最近的研究表明,网络可以轻松地过度贴合所有标签,包括损坏的标签,因此几乎无法概括以清洁数据集。在本文中,我们专注于使用嘈杂的标签学习的问题,并将压缩归纳偏置引入网络体系结构以减轻这种过度的问题。更确切地说,我们重新审视一个名为辍学的经典正则化及其变体嵌套辍学。辍学可以作为其功能删除机制的压缩约束,而嵌套辍学进一步学习有序的特征表示W.R.T.特征重要性。此外,具有压缩正则化的训练有素的模型与共同教学相结合,以提高性能。从理论上讲,我们在压缩正则化下对目标函数进行偏置变化分解。我们分析了单个模型和共同教学。该分解提供了三个见解:(i)表明过度合适确实是使用嘈杂标签学习的问题; (ii)通过信息瓶颈配方,它解释了为什么提出的特征压缩有助于对抗标签噪声; (iii)它通过将压缩正规化纳入共同教学而带来的性能提升提供了解释。实验表明,我们的简单方法比具有现实世界标签噪声(包括服装1M和Animal-10N)的基准测试标准的最先进方法具有可比性甚至更好的性能。我们的实施可在https://yingyichen-cyy.github.io/compressfatsfeatnoisylabels/上获得。
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已知最近的清晰度感知最小化(SAM)可以找到平坦的最小值,这有助于改善稳健性。 Sam通过报告当前迭代周围的小社区内的最大损失值来修改损失函数。但是,它使用欧几里得球来定义邻域,这可能是不准确的,因为神经网络的损失函数通常是根据概率分布(例如类预测概率)定义的,从而使参数空间空间非欧几里得。在本文中,我们在定义邻里时考虑了模型参数空间的信息几何形状,即用Fisher信息引起的椭圆形取代Sam的欧几里得球。我们称为Fisher Sam的方法定义了符合基础统计歧管的内在度量的更准确的邻域结构。例如,由于我们的Fisher Sam避免了参数空间几何形状,因此SAM可能会在附近或不当远处探测最坏情况下的损失值。最近,另一种自适应SAM方法会根据参数幅度的规模拉伸/收缩欧几里得球。这可能是危险的,有可能破坏邻里结构。我们证明了在几个基准数据集/任务上提出的Fisher SAM的性能提高。
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Transferring knowledge from a teacher neural network pretrained on the same or a similar task to a student neural network can significantly improve the performance of the student neural network. Existing knowledge transfer approaches match the activations or the corresponding handcrafted features of the teacher and the student networks. We propose an information-theoretic framework for knowledge transfer which formulates knowledge transfer as maximizing the mutual information between the teacher and the student networks. We compare our method with existing knowledge transfer methods on both knowledge distillation and transfer learning tasks and show that our method consistently outperforms existing methods. We further demonstrate the strength of our method on knowledge transfer across heterogeneous network architectures by transferring knowledge from a convolutional neural network (CNN) to a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) on CIFAR-10. The resulting MLP significantly outperforms the-state-of-the-art methods and it achieves similar performance to the CNN with a single convolutional layer. * Contributed during an internship at Amazon.
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尽管深度神经网络能够在各种任务上实现优于人类的表现,但他们臭名昭著,因为他们需要大量的数据和计算资源,将其成功限制在可用的这些资源的领域。金属学习方法可以通过从相关任务中转移知识来解决此问题,从而减少学习新任务所需的数据和计算资源的数量。我们组织了元数据竞赛系列,该系列为世界各地的研究小组提供了创建和实验评估实际问题的新元学习解决方案的机会。在本文中,我们在竞争组织者和排名最高的参与者之间进行了合作,我们描述了竞争的设计,数据集,最佳实验结果以及Neurips 2021挑战中最高的方法,这些方法吸引了15进入最后阶段的活跃团队(通过表现优于基线),在反馈阶段进行了100多次代码提交。顶级参与者的解决方案是开源的。汲取的经验教训包括学习良好的表示对于有效的转移学习至关重要。
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In this paper, we propose a novel framework dubbed peer learning to deal with the problem of biased scene graph generation (SGG). This framework uses predicate sampling and consensus voting (PSCV) to encourage different peers to learn from each other, improving model diversity and mitigating bias in SGG. To address the heavily long-tailed distribution of predicate classes, we propose to use predicate sampling to divide and conquer this issue. As a result, the model is less biased and makes more balanced predicate predictions. Specifically, one peer may not be sufficiently diverse to discriminate between different levels of predicate distributions. Therefore, we sample the data distribution based on frequency of predicates into sub-distributions, selecting head, body, and tail classes to combine and feed to different peers as complementary predicate knowledge during the training process. The complementary predicate knowledge of these peers is then ensembled utilizing a consensus voting strategy, which simulates a civilized voting process in our society that emphasizes the majority opinion and diminishes the minority opinion. This approach ensures that the learned representations of each peer are optimally adapted to the various data distributions. Extensive experiments on the Visual Genome dataset demonstrate that PSCV outperforms previous methods. We have established a new state-of-the-art (SOTA) on the SGCls task by achieving a mean of \textbf{31.6}.
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Audio-Visual scene understanding is a challenging problem due to the unstructured spatial-temporal relations that exist in the audio signals and spatial layouts of different objects and various texture patterns in the visual images. Recently, many studies have focused on abstracting features from convolutional neural networks while the learning of explicit semantically relevant frames of sound signals and visual images has been overlooked. To this end, we present an end-to-end framework, namely attentional graph convolutional network (AGCN), for structure-aware audio-visual scene representation. First, the spectrogram of sound and input image is processed by a backbone network for feature extraction. Then, to build multi-scale hierarchical information of input features, we utilize an attention fusion mechanism to aggregate features from multiple layers of the backbone network. Notably, to well represent the salient regions and contextual information of audio-visual inputs, the salient acoustic graph (SAG) and contextual acoustic graph (CAG), salient visual graph (SVG), and contextual visual graph (CVG) are constructed for the audio-visual scene representation. Finally, the constructed graphs pass through a graph convolutional network for structure-aware audio-visual scene recognition. Extensive experimental results on the audio, visual and audio-visual scene recognition datasets show that promising results have been achieved by the AGCN methods. Visualizing graphs on the spectrograms and images have been presented to show the effectiveness of proposed CAG/SAG and CVG/SVG that could focus on the salient and semantic relevant regions.
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In recent years, neural image compression (NIC) algorithms have shown powerful coding performance. However, most of them are not adaptive to the image content. Although several content adaptive methods have been proposed by updating the encoder-side components, the adaptability of both latents and the decoder is not well exploited. In this work, we propose a new NIC framework that improves the content adaptability on both latents and the decoder. Specifically, to remove redundancy in the latents, our content adaptive channel dropping (CACD) method automatically selects the optimal quality levels for the latents spatially and drops the redundant channels. Additionally, we propose the content adaptive feature transformation (CAFT) method to improve decoder-side content adaptability by extracting the characteristic information of the image content, which is then used to transform the features in the decoder side. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed methods with the encoder-side updating algorithm achieve the state-of-the-art performance.
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